The grey parade

I can find some patterns in my Maribowl obsession: I look especially for older bowls, unofficial colors and similar oddities. It’s a little more common to find “color change” goblets, alias the bowl that are created when the official production color is being changed to another. Some weeks ago I found a nice lady who put on sale four of these goblets, and of course I couldn’t resist buying them: they could not miss in my collection! So here are my new sweeties:

These are two pale greys that are quite different from my official greys (older and newer one). Here you can see the four greys I now have:

The first on the left is the newer grey. The second is the older grey with the silk sticker on the bottom, and the two on the right are my new arrivals. Beautiful hues, you should see them in real life!

The parcel I got today contained two other goblets, a green and a very pale sky blue.

Here is the green one: looks similar to the greens I already owned, but… of course there IS a slight difference.

The third goblet from the left is my new green. It is quite similar to the smaller goblet that was crafted as a special color for a chain of shops in Finland:

Again, similar, but not quite the same, eh eh 😀

Last, I show you the very pale sky blue (on the right), in a group picture with a standard sky blue and a smaller “color change” goblet:

In this second picture, you can see the difference between standard sky blue and my new, very pale goblet.

This is it for today: summer months are usually quite uneventful, even for a Mariskooli collector, so I am especially happy of my purchases!

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3 Responses to The grey parade

  1. The Mole says:

    Hi Vera!

    The 4 greys you have in a row. You tell there is silk sticker (2nd on left) and it seems there is i-sticker too. The kind of i-sticker just can’t exist together with silk sticker. Timing does not match. But I think you already knew this and anyway the goblet is old.

    Happy collecting!

    – Mole

  2. fraublucher says:

    As always, your insight is precious to me. Thank you, Mole! 🙂

  3. Marjo says:

    Wrong… That kind of stamp have been forward 2001 and the silk sticker has been until 2004. So the silk sticker and stamp is real and ok.

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